PMT Education

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£20 - £70+/hr

£20 - £70+/hr
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How do we select our tutors?

Rigorous interview process

Rigorous interview process

We personally interview and hand-select all our tutors to ensure we provide high-quality tuition.

Subject specialists

Subject specialists

All our tutors have or are studying for a degree in or related to the subjects they teach.

Verified qualifications

Verified qualifications

We verify all the qualifications shown on a tutor's profile.

PMT Education’s tutor reviews

5.0 (4)

Afiya R.

An amazing tutor. Always explains concepts really well and demonstrates how to apply knowledge to exam questions. Always cheerful during lessons and approachable to ask any questions.

Sarah H.

5.0 (34)

Amy C.

Amy is one of the best tutors I've had. She is very friendly and is able to make you feel comfortable from the first session. She is able to break things down, no matter what your level is, and will make sure you fully understand everything. She has a wealth of knowledge to give and will help you to acquire top marks in the most efficient and fun way possible.

Michelle D.

5.0 (28)

Pete M.

Pete is an amazing maths tutor. I found his lessons very informative and, made things much easier to follow and I enjoyed them a lot! I only wish I had started lessons earlier. He is attentive and let me lead the lesson with questions I had and would hone in on things accordingly. He is very knowledgeable and made sure that I undetstood mathematical concepts thoroughly.

Riva P.

5.0 (5)

Chuka N.

After concluding my time with Chuka, I can say that he truly is a great tutor. He has helped me so much when it comes to exams and really increased my confidence. I would highly recommend him to anyone else out there who needs assistance with exams. A fantastic experience!

Zain D.