Kye-Leana G.
Master of NursingWhich university are you studying at?
University of Manchester.
What subjects and qualifications did you take at school or college (e.g. A Levels, IB, BTECs, EPQ)?
A level History – A
A level Biology – B
A level Chemistry – C
Why did you decide to pursue this degree at university?
I decided to purse the degree at university as I wanted to make a positive impact on people’s lives. I have always enjoyed subjects like biology and anatomy and nursing allows me to continue with theses subjects. Furthermore, with nursing there are lots of different opportunities. It allows you to work in various setting such as hospitals schools or clinic and you can go abroad to work in other countries. This was very appealing to me as I can find something I like and be able to change setting I work in if I desired with the relative ease.
What does an average day or week at university look like for you (e.g. lectures, practicals, independent study, other interests)?
The curriculum is divided into block of theory and clinical placements. Your time is split between going to lecture, seminar and doing independent study along with gaining experience in healthcare settings. With the theory block there’s is a mixture of in person seminar and lectures along with online ones.
What aspect of your course do you most enjoy?
The aspect I liked most with going onto placements and meeting many different people watching them recover and getting to go home which felt very rewarding thing.
What do you find most challenging about your degree?
The most challenging thing about my degree is also going to placements as you have to get accustomed to working with staff who don’t necessarily like having students with them. Furthermore, placements can be long hours doing 12 hours shifts are tiring and something to get use too if you have never really done them before.
What are your aspirations after your degree?
My aspirations is to hopefully specialize and become a diabetic nurse.
What would be your top piece of advice for anyone wanting to study nursing?
My top piece of advice would be don’t be afraid to ask questions as this all helps you to grown as a student and a nurse. And to be resilient there will be many ups and down while studying nursing it’s a demanding degree so staying positive and not giving up on it is so important.