Edward W.
Chemical EngineeringWhich university are you studying at?
Bath University.
What subjects and qualifications did you take at school or college (e.g. A Levels, IB, BTECs, EPQ)?
Physics, Maths, Biology, Chemistry at A-level.
Why did you decide to pursue this degree at university?
I was originally planning on studying natural sciences, however before results day I had done some research into chemical engineering and decided that I wanted to do that instead. On results day I saw that Bath University had Chemical Engineering in clearing so I decided to call them to ask for a place which they gave me.
What does an average day or week at university look like for you (e.g. lectures, practicals, independent study, other interests)?
We have 20 hours of contact time week. On top of this we are given pre-lecture material and problem sheets to complete to compliment and ingrain the lecture material. We have 5 practicals throughout the year, each of which we write a full lab report for.
What aspect of your course do you most enjoy?
I enjoyed the design project towards the end of the year as it showed me the practical application of all the theory and knowledge that I had been taught throughout the year.
What do you find most challenging about your degree?
Fluid mechanics is the most challenging part of the degree.
What are your aspirations after your degree?
Become a chemical engineer.
What would be your top piece of advice for anyone wanting to study chemical engineering?
Mathematical skills are essential and don’t be surprised if you end up having a lot of physics work in the degree.