Yasmin B.
Medical WriterWhat is the nature of your role and its responsibilities?
As a medical writer, I work on various pieces of writing such as abstracts and manuscripts, as well as other content such as slide decks, infographics and even medical podcasts. The content we produce is requested by pharmaceutical companies who share the content internally or externally, at meetings or congresses.
What led you to follow this career path?
I became aware of medical writing as a career option through speaking to friends and networking with others in similar roles.
What qualification(s) or training did you complete?
I completed a BSc in Biomedical Science and an MSc in Biopharmaceutical Development.
How are your qualification(s) or training useful in your everyday job?
My qualifications have helped with my understanding of different therapy areas and the steps involved in drug development.
What does an average working day look like for you?
My typical day is usually quite busy between working on content development and meetings with clients.
What aspect of your role do you most enjoy?
I enjoy being so involved with the scientific content and that the projects I work on vary so much.
What aspect of your job do you find most challenging?
At times the role can be quite fast-paced so it keeps you on your toes but it can also be stressful.
What would be your top piece of advice for anyone wanting to become a medical writer?
Get as much writing experience as possible as this will look great on your CV! This could be a scientific blog or writing abstracts and dissertations at university.