Laura M.
UX/UI Designer and Developer LiaisonWhat is the nature of your role and its responsibilities?
My role means I act as a bridge between website design and development. My responsibilities include redesigning current features based on user feedback to enhance functionality and usability. I also design new features to improve the platform’s overall performance and user satisfaction. I collaborate closely with our website developers to ensure my designs are effectively implemented into the live platform. Also, I am responsible for identifying, reporting, and verifying bug fixes to maintain a smooth and reliable user experience.
What led you to follow this career path?
I hadn’t considered this career path originally as this was not what I studied at University, but my internship allowed me to hone this new skill and I really enjoyed it. I’ve never been able to decide between the sciences and the arts, so this is a good combination of the two!
What qualification(s) or training did you complete?
My degree was in Environmental Science. I have since enrolled in two courses about website design (using the software Figma).
How are your qualification(s) or training useful in your everyday job?
The website design courses I completed have directly supported my proficiency in using website design software, which has streamlined the process of designing and creating new features. My degree has also helped with independent working and time management, which is very important as someone who works remotely full time.
What does an average working day look like for you?
There is a lot of collaboration throughout the day! I will communicate with the support specialist to understand any issues/bugs on the platform and I will pass these on to our website developers. I may also have meetings with other team members to discuss new features or ways to streamline and enhance the user experience. After designing new features as a ‘mock up’, I will share these with my team to make sure everyone is happy, before passing my designs to the developers for them to create on the platform. Then, there is lots of testing to make sure it’s working properly!
What aspect of your role do you most enjoy?
It’s very rewarding to hear back from clients that a new feature has improved their experience on the platform.
What aspect of your job do you find most challenging?
Testing, and testing, and testing again! It can be quite tedious to make sure everything is working as it should – which it sometimes might not be!
What would be your top piece of advice for anyone wanting to become a designer and developer?
There is an amazing, supportive community online – use it! Complete courses and utilise websites/forums to share website designs with each other.