PMT Education began as a website for students to access physics and maths resources for free. Six years later, we now offer study materials for eight subjects and guidance for university admissions tests. We believe that by offering resources for free we are helping students of all abilities and backgrounds achieve the grades they need to succeed, whatever their ambitions.
PMT Education has developed a range of revision and university admission preparation courses to help individuals realise their full potential. We are aware that these courses are not free, but we do not want that to prevent certain students from benefiting from them. For this reason, we have established a GCSE and A Level bursary scheme which awards free places on our courses to students from low-income and disadvantaged backgrounds.
We reserve free places on all of our courses and award them to those who have applied through our GCSE and A Level bursary scheme. On every course, we have a possible two free places available for bursary application students. Once applications have closed we will assess the submissions using the criteria laid out below and make a shortlist of the individuals who have impressed us.
We also have a waiting list of applicants for bursaries. If there are any unbooked spots available after the course’s booking deadline has passed, we will contact those on the waiting list to see if they would like to fill them.
Eligibility CriteriaCheck our eligibility criteria and the supporting documents you will need to include in your application.
Please ensure that you send us the correct pages of your supporting documents as evidence or your application will be rejected.
You can apply for a maximum of three courses. Please fill out separate forms for each course. You can apply using the form at the bottom of this page.
Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted.
Please note: we don’t look at applications or decide who to give places to until after the application deadline.
You only need to supply evidence from one of the bursary criteria you meet.
Please provide an official letter confirming your award for the academic year ‘2023-2024’ or ‘2024-2025’.
Please provide a letter from your school/college confirming you receive free school meals (local authority funded only).
Please provide a Tax Credit Award Notice for ‘2023-2024’ or ‘2024-2025’ which must include the pages showing total household income (less than 35k) and the section where you are named. Please ensure you provide both these pages or your application will be rejected.
Please provide a Student Finance or Student Awards Agency Scotland award letter for the academic year ‘2023-2024’ or ‘2024-2025’ which includes the page which shows the means tested grant element and not only tuition fee or maintenance loans. *If your course started after August 2016 and you are in receipt of a Student Finance England award under the new funding rules, evidence of a FULL RATE maintenance loan will be accepted.
Please provide an award letter from a UK Jobcentre Plus dated 2024 or 2025.
Please provide your award notice for ‘2023-2024’ or ‘2024-2025’.
Please provide an award letter from a UK Jobcentre Plus dated 2024 or 2025. For JSA and ESA please supply the full letter, not just the front page.
Please provide an award notice for ‘2023-2024’ or ‘2024-2025’.
Please provide an award letter from a relevant government agency plus a translation into English, both dated 2024 or 2025.
Please provide an Asylum Support award letter, dated 2024 or 2025.
Please provide an official award letter for ‘2023-2024’ or ‘2024-2025’ confirming your entitlement to Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP).
Please provide a letter from your local authority or social worker confirming your status as a looked-after child or care leaver, dated 2024 or 2025. If you are in a private fostering arrangement, please provide proof such as a letter from your local council confirming they have been notified, a solicitor’s letter, a court order or legal agreement outlining the arrangement, or a letter from your school or GP confirming your living arrangements.
Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Please get in touch with our friendly team!
Our full list of eligibility criteria can be found above. Unfortunately, if you don’t fall into any of these categories you are unable to apply for our bursary places.
Yes, each course you are applying for requires a separate bursary application. You can apply for a maximum of three courses. If you apply for more than three courses your applications will not be considered.
We sort through all bursary applications after the application deadline. This means you will hear back about whether your application was successful within a week of the deadline passing.
Demand for our bursary spaces is high – especially on courses such as A Level maths. As much as we would like to, we can’t give a place to everyone that applies.
Yes, for each course there is a waiting list of bursary students in case the students who were offered the bursary places fail to book the course in time.