A Level Results Day is a significant milestone when months of studying, hard work, and determination finally pay off. Tensions can be high, especially when a spot at university is at stake. As a parent, knowing how best to support your child on Results Day can be difficult. Don’t worry — we’re here to help.
This comprehensive guide provides key information, including an overview of the UCAS Clearing process, along with practical tips to help you survive A Level Results Day 2025.
When is A Level Results Day 2025?
T Level, AS Level and A Level Results Day is on Thursday 14th August 2025. Results for vocational technical qualifications, such as BTECs, will be released on or before this date.

What happens on A Level Results Day?
On A Level Results Day, your child should be able to collect their results in person from their school or college starting from around 08:00 BST. Exact opening times may vary, so ensure they check the specific arrangements of their school or college.
If your child is unable to make it in person, contact their school in advance to check if their results can be accessed online, sent via post, or collected by you on their behalf.
What time does UCAS update on Results Day?
For students who have submitted an Undergraduate UCAS application, UCAS will update the status of their application on the UCAS Hub around 08:15 BST on Results Day. This means that your child may find out if they have secured a place at university before they even pick up their results.
UCAS terms explained
UCAS terminology can be confusing! Here is a quick reminder of the key terms and definitions you need to be aware of to support your child on A Level Results Day:
- Conditional offer − Your child has been offered a place at the university or college, subject to them meeting specific entry requirements.
- Unconditional offer − Your child has secured a place at the university or college. They do not need to meet any specific entry requirements.
- Firm choice − The university or college that your child will attend if they meet the entry requirements.
- Insurance choice − Having failed to meet the entry requirements of their firm choice, this is the university or college that your child will attend, providing they meet the (generally lower) entry requirements.
What will UCAS Hub show on Results Day?
On Results Day, the following adjustments to offers on UCAS Hub may be displayed:
- Unconditional − Your child’s place at their firm or insurance choice has been confirmed.
- Unsuccessful − Your child didn’t meet the conditions of their firm or insurance offers, or didn’t receive any offers. They are now eligible to enter Clearing. You can find out more about UCAS Clearing for 2025 below.
- Unconditional Changed Course − Your child didn’t meet the conditions of their offers, but has been offered an unconditional place for a similar course at their firm and/or insurance choices with lower entry requirements. They may also be offered an alternative start date, such as deferred entry.
Your child’s examination results will not appear in the Hub.
It is important to ensure that you and your child have a clear understanding of all the available options, so you are prepared for all eventualities come Results Day.

What if my child meets their offer?
Congratulations! If your child intends to accept their firm offer, they can sit back, relax, and let UCAS handle the rest. They will shortly receive written confirmation of their place and communication from their chosen college or university.
In the meantime, it might be a good idea to encourage them to begin preparing for their university studies. This could include looking into accommodation options (if they haven’t already) and managing their finances to ensure a smooth transition into university life.
What if my child does not get the results they need?
If A Level Results Day hasn’t gone as expected, don’t worry. There are still several options available if your child does not meet the entry requirements for their firm or insurance choices:
- Contact the university or college: If they narrowly miss their grades, it is worth reaching out to the university or college in question, especially if your child intends to appeal any grades. Although universities are not obliged to review their decision, it’s always worth a try.
- UCAS Clearing: Your child may decide to enter Clearing, a system which pairs applicants who do not hold any offers to university courses that still have vacancies.
- Reapply next year: Your child could choose to reapply to university the following year. In the meantime, they may opt to take a gap year, gain work experience, or resit one or more exams to improve their grades.
What if my child gets better results than expected?
If your child has exceeded their expectations and received higher grades than their initial offers, they can browse Clearing vacancies for courses that align with their new grades. They should contact universities they are interested in directly to confirm the availability of places and seek confirmation of a new place before declining their original.
Taking a gap year and reapplying to a different university or course the following year is also an option.

What is UCAS Clearing?
If your child doesn’t already hold an offer from a university or college, UCAS Clearing enables them to find a place on a university course with vacancies. Thousands of students apply through Clearing every year. Over 68,000 students were accepted through Clearing in 2024. Don’t be put off by rumours that only unpopular courses are available through Clearing − plenty of great universities offer popular courses like Engineering and Law each year!
Can my child use Clearing?
According to UCAS, your child is eligible to register for Clearing if:
- They’re applying after 30th June 2024
- They didn’t receive any offers (or any they wanted to accept)
- They didn’t meet the conditions of their firm or insurance offers
- They’ve paid the multiple choice application fee
- They’ve declined their firm place
When does UCAS Clearing open for 2025?
Clearing runs from 5th July to 25th October 2025. However, the majority of Clearing courses will become available on A Level Results Day.
How does UCAS Clearing work?
On Results Day, if your child is eligible for Clearing it will say so on their UCAS Hub and they will be given a unique Clearing ID number. Using this number, along with their UCAS ID, your child can contact prospective universities through their Clearing hotlines to enquire about course vacancies. If your child is offered a place, they can add this as their Clearing choice in the Hub.
It is important to remember that your child is only allowed one Clearing choice at a time and is unable to select another unless they are unsuccessful with the first one, or call up and request that their place is cancelled.
Ensure that your child carefully researches potential university courses and doesn’t select the first one they see out of panic. Yes, places are snapped up quite quickly, but your child needs to consider which university best matches their needs − after all, they will be spending the next several years there!
It is crucial to understand that once your child declines their existing offer, their contract with that university or college will be cancelled, and they will lose their place. Therefore, ensure they have a confirmed new offer in hand before making any decisions. Your child should only add a Clearing choice if they have been given permission by a university.
6 top tips for A Level Results Day 2025
A Level Results Day is stressful at the best of times. Here are some tips to ensure that it runs as smoothly as possible, no matter the outcome of your child’s results.
1. Do your research
Prior to Results Day, sit down with your child and create a shortlist of Clearing courses that they’re interested in. From 5th July, you can find a list of all courses with vacancies using UCAS Clearing search tool. The new Clearing Plus tool, which becomes available if your child’s application is unsuccessful, also provides a customised list of courses that they are likely to be accepted on.
It is important to plan for all eventualities. Even a small amount of research will prove invaluable if your child finds they must enter Clearing on Results Day. And remember to make a note of Clearing hotline numbers!
2. Preparation is key
Ensuring that your child has the correct information and equipment to hand on the day can help relieve a lot of stress. Make sure they have a note of their UCAS ID, a copy of their personal statement, a pen and paper, and a phone (and charger) at the ready!
It is also important to ensure that your child is comfortable contacting universities themselves. Admissions officers want to hear from your child, not you, so ensure that they are confident to speak over the phone. They may wish to bring a list of questions to help them articulate their interests and goals effectively during Clearing.

3. Stay calm
Your child will undoubtedly already be feeling the pressure. The onus will be on you to remain calm and level-headed, and hide any disappointment. If things don’t go as planned, reassure them that grades are not the end of the world.
4. Seek help
If your child is entering Clearing or has any other worries or concerns, encourage them to seek help. This may be from a teacher, tutor, or careers adviser at their school or college. Alternatively, they may call the National Careers Service Exam Results Helpline on 0800 100 900. Parents don’t always have the answers and these individuals are specially trained to advise and support.
5. Consider other options
Yes, the original plan was to attend college or university this year. However, if your child can’t find a course or university that they are interested in, don’t dismiss alternative options such as a gap year or an apprenticeship. Try not to rush your child into making any decisions that they may later regret.
6. Celebrate
Finally…celebrate! No matter the outcome, your child has worked incredibly hard. Plan to do something fun, whether it be going for a meal or encouraging them to party with their friends.
We hope that these tips go some way to alleviate your A Level Results Day and UCAS Clearing anxieties. The most important thing you can do for your child is to help them prepare and get organised. There’s also no harm in doing a bit of research to familiarise yourself with the basics so that you can advise and support your child where necessary. Whatever the outcome, remember to be positive. It’s the end of an era and the beginning of a new and exciting chapter in their lives.

What are the 2025 A Level grade boundaries?
Grade boundaries are determined after all the exam papers have been marked. They reflect the relative difficulty of the exam papers compared to previous years, ensuring fair and consistent grading. These boundaries show the minimum number of marks required for each grade and are set by senior examiners.
The 2025 A Level grade boundaries will be published on the official exam board websites on A Level Results Day.
Can you appeal against A Level results?
Yes, your child can appeal their A Level results if they believe there has been an error in the marking process or if they feel their results do not accurately reflect their performance. To begin the appeals process, they should first speak with their school or college who will guide them on the specific steps and deadlines for submitting an appeal.
Can you apply through Clearing before A Level Results Day?
Students cannot apply through Clearing until they have their exam results. This is because universities need to know which students have met their offer conditions before they can offer places through Clearing.
Can you apply to more than one university through Clearing?
Your child can contact multiple universities to enquire about Clearing vacancies. However, they can only apply for one Clearing choice at a time on UCAS Hub. If they change their mind after adding a Clearing choice, they will need to ask that university to release them before they can add a new choice to their application.
How can you add a Clearing choice on UCAS Hub?
Log in to UCAS Hub, go to “Your choices” and “Add Clearing choice”. Then, enter the details of the course. Make sure your child only adds a Clearing choice once the university or college has given them permission to do so.
What happens if you don’t receive any offers through UCAS Clearing?
If your child does not receive any offers through UCAS Clearing, they can consider alternative options, such as taking a gap year, gaining work experience, or exploring apprenticeships.
How much does UCAS Clearing cost?
UCAS Clearing itself does not have an additional cost. The fee your child paid when they originally applied to UCAS covers the Clearing process.