Our online revision courses take place within Google Classroom, keeping everything organised in one convenient hub. From here, you’ll be able to access digital copies of our bespoke course resources and join the live lessons. All our lessons are recorded and saved in the classroom allowing you to watch them back for a recap whenever you like. Any resources your tutor uses can also be added to the classroom for you to use for your revision.
You will be emailed the link to join your classroom the day before your course starts. When you receive it, you should join the classroom to make sure you’re confident with where everything is. Please note: you need a Google account to join your Google Classroom as Google doesn’t allow anonymous users.
The live lessons take place on Google Meet. On the morning of the course, a ‘Join’ button will appear in the classroom. You click on this to join your lessons.
During the lessons, our tutors use the latest iPads and touch screen devices to replicate a real classroom environment. They can use teaching aids such as Powerpoints and a high-quality online whiteboard.
You can interact with your tutor using both your microphone and the chat function. We encourage students to use their microphone where possible to help facilitate the flow of ideas.
All our courses are accompanied by high-quality revision material. Our beautifully printed revision booklets are perfect for when you want to take your revision offline.
Please ensure you book before the printing deadline to guarantee you get the booklets before the course starts. You can find the date you need to book by on the course booking page. Any bookings made after the date will be able to access digital copies in the classroom until their printed booklets arrive. You will receive your printed booklets around 3-5 days before the start of your course. Please note: we can only send printed handouts to students in the UK.